Saturday, July 23, 2011

The real thing?

The girl I've been talking to's name is Emily. How about that?

It honestly doesn't bother me in the way you'd think it'd bother me. I guess I'm mostly glad to finally have found someone who's not a dud; someone who isn't just going to stop talking to me or have some really fucked up personal trait that'll keep her from liking me or keep me from liking her.

She's on her way now. She'll be spending the night here with me. It sounds weird that she'd be doing that on the first time we're hanging out, but we've come to be pretty close in the last week. Close enough so that she tells me she missed me a lot when she was too busy to talk for a few hours.

We'll just be hanging out mostly, and maybe go to eat out somewhere. She said she's no good at eating in front of people even after knowing them for a long time, but I told her we don't have to go eat or anything. So we'll see.

I think I feel good about this, because she told me she didn't want a serious relationship, because of her last boyfriend that treated her really badly. But from getting to know me, she said she likes me a lot and really wants to be in a serious and long term relationship. Unlike the other girls I had met, I didn't immediately start talking about how fucked up I am or start wanting something with her. We just talked, and everything progressed more normally. So if she likes me this much, it must be the real deal.

It makes me glad. She texts me a lot, and does know now about my freaking out over not hearing from her and stuff. She said I don't have to worry, and that she'll take care of making sure I don't ever freak out.

I'd just been enjoying the whole thing that I didn't really think about how serious things seem to be now. But it may take a while before I can rest easy knowing that this one's real.

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