Monday, July 25, 2011


Alex posted on her FB about saying goodbye to love, or something, and my brother, Alex, posted some stuff that made her laugh a lot.

This made me realize (again) that I'm really jealous of my brother.

He's very carefree, and doesn't worry about anything. Whenever mom is mad at him, she doesn't say anything or yell at him. But when she's mad at me, she lets me know it. He's a lot funnier than I am, and a better artist. He's definitely better looking, too.

The only thing I have over him is being a lot smarter than him, and they say ignorance is bliss. I'd trade my smarts with everything he has in a heartbeat.

My brother and Alex haven't talked in a long time (or at least that's what I think), and he can post something that makes her laugh like that. I couldn't do that. I can't even talk to her without being worried about how she's going to react to something I say. My brother doesn't care; he just says whatever he wants.

I don't really like myself right now.

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