Friday, September 23, 2011

Work was better today. I wasn't feeling as sensitive, and I made jokes again. The manager yelled at us, because the maternity boxes that get dropped off by UPS "were missing." We told him UPS hadn't come yet, but the bitch that's in charge of maternity clothes is an uppity and ornery idiot that doesn't believe us. I doesn't make sense. The manager said he'd find out who got rid of it by checking who signed for the UPS.

what the fuuuuuuuuuu

Anyways, UPS literally arrived ten minutes later, and we were like "Hey, UPS is here with maternity shit." After yelling and getting on our case, all he can say is "Alright." Fucking people.

I went to a bar after work. I had a burger where the buns were grilled cheeses. I also had a beer, because it was a bar. But then I got a sweet tea, because beer tastes bad. They were playing The Postal Service which was weird, but I can't complain because I like them.

That girl that I felt stupid for talking to, because I had decided to stop talking to people online has turned out to be cool. She had to go to Texas for the week, but we talk on the phone. We'll see each other when she gets back. She said she was going to make me chicken alfredo which is....sweet.

She's really cute in a "shy looking" type of way.

Either way, things are going nicely. I'm not being overbearing with her, and she seems pretty genuine. I told her I have an imaginary friend just out of no where, and she said she had one, too. It was obvious we'd get along at that point.

I got my car back today. It cost $700. sigh. I used my savings, though, so whatever. And it's not like I really have anything else to pay for now that Chris doesn't want to get an apartment together anymore. I did get my first bill for my student loans, though. It's only $350 a month which isn't too bad. I make around $700 a month.

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