Monday, September 12, 2011

Today was another off day. I ultimately don't care about Kara, but it doesn't mean the pain of dealing with the bullshit isn't there. I guess it doesn't help that no one cared about it happening to me, or wanted to talk.

Shoe kept feeding me his usual "be respectful of her decision, and don't worry about it" bullshit. To me, that means he doesn't care how I feel, but rather how I act? It's stupid. Alex helped a little. But she's barely talked to me today. All her texts are short like she rather not talk. I guess with Brian on board for their relationship, she doesn't have time for me anymore or doesn't really care anymore.

I just deleted my Facebook. I don't really feel anything about it. The only real problem is fighting the habit of checking it.

I hate feeling so alone, and uncared about.

It doesn't help when you get blocked and ignored by a girl who "likes you a lot," and then get ignored by a friend who can't just pretend to care for one day. Fuck my life.

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