Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Joys of anxiety.

It hit me (again) today just how unnormal I am. I was also hit by the fact that even though I go off pretending I feel nothing, the fact is that I actually feel too much. I'm sensitive to emotions.

Today my dad got on to my brother, Alex, about something work related, and Alex laughed it off and went about his day carefree. Meanwhile, I had to call my mom and let her know that her water hose broke. It wasn't my fault, but it didn't keep me from completely stressing over it. The thing is is that she understood, and wasn't mad with me. So I stressed over nothing all day. This is actually really common for me.

So if it's so common, then why can't I change? Someone told me people don't change, and I hate her for being seemingly right.

This probably plays into me wanting to be by myself. Stress and anxiety play a big role in my life, and to get rid of it, I have to get rid of the cause.

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