Thursday, December 1, 2011

I felt like writing a new post, but I don't really know what to talk about. It's my own private blog, so I guess who gives a shit? I suppose I'm allowed to just write in it if I want. I'd hope so.

I'm listening to M83's new album. It's fucking good as fuck. Finally, great music that doesn't remind me of Alex. Instead, it reminds me of Emily because we saw them open up for The Killers. So fucking sweet! Everything reminds me of someone. It doesn't even really matter. This album is pretty damn good; too good for me to care about what it reminds me of.

I had lunch with a girl who works at FYE in the mall. I'm surprised I never wrote about that. I guess, because it wasn't something I cared about or something I'm going to really pursue. I have become a very sad and lonely creature, and I openly live that way. It's totally better than pursuing it, and then being disappointed, though.

I was thinking about how I haven't written in a long time, and I guess it's because I'm only good at it when I'm depressed and I haven't really been depressed lately. I mean I'll get down sometimes, but never so depressed that I write something really good or even something at all. It sucks, because I'd like to write but I just don't produce anything very good without being depressed. But I have been doing a lot of painting. I did one last night for a little over three hours. I have another lined up that I'll do on my day off that I'm really excited to do.

It's pretty weird that I didn't know what to write about, and then all of this came flowing pretty quickly. I guess I shouldn't ever be scared to just write randomly rather than feel like I can only come here when I need to get something off my mind/chest. Jeez, I really shouldn't feel intimidated by writing in my own damn blog. Which is also a private blog.

Jesus Christ, Matt.

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