Friday, January 11, 2013

Since I'm in bed and can't do anything, I figured I'd just write. That should add some much needed filler into my schedule of checking Twitter and Tumblr every five minutes. There really isn't much to write about, though. I do tend to have more to say when I'm in a lesser mood.

Being sick sucks, but I can't help but enjoy just laying in bed all day watching Netflix. It's got it's own merits. I've been watching Doctor Who pretty much all day. I remember when I had asked Alex about it a long time ago, but she didn't really say anything as if she rather I not watch it. That also reminds me when I tried to get into Tumblr for the first time and she was trying to talk me out of it. I guess she just didn't want me to like the things she likes. Well, I like these two things now, and the world seems to be intact.

Speaking of Alex, the feeling of being used has been nagging at me. Somehow, I don't think this is truly the case, but there is a history there that I shouldn't be expected to dismiss. I have tried messaging her simple things as a "I'm still here" kind of deal, but I should stop lest I become annoying.

Still, I can't help but feel like I'm being used as someone to talk to when things are bad like I'm a medicine that only needs to be taken at an appropriate time. I guess  always going to feel like I'm no Brian or I'm no Tom. It's extremely pathetic that I remember Tom.

I don't want to come off as saying she is a bad person, though. I use different people for different situations all the time. I guess I just always wanted someone where I didn't have to pretend or be pretended upon. I guess I'd like a special friendship with someone.

Either way, I'm more upset that I rented a game and I've been too sick to play it. I can't even return it tonight, so I guess I'll be paying a nice late fee. I'm pretty glad that my shift is being picked up tomorrow, though. Then I have Sunday and Monday off, so I can exclusively focus on feeling better. My timing is pretty good.

Since I'm writing on my phone, I can't post a song. Oh, well.

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