Sunday, August 18, 2013

My friend keeps being an asshole to me every time we play a game online together, so I think I'm just not going to play with him for a while. It's one of those stressful and co-op type of games, so I'm trying to make sure we're doing what we're supposed to do to make everything run smoothly. But he always has to be dick about it like "yo stop whining like a faggot"

So, yeah. Some friend.

I've been wishing people read my blog. I wish I had a fan, or someone who cared and could emphasize with me. I know no one reads this, though, and I know no one cares about my problems or anyone else's. I try to be a friend to others and be there for them, and I know I put up a wall and don't really let people know if I'm down. But I guess if someone was reading this, I wouldn't be able to put up a wall.

I'd just like to meet somebody who's not an asshole for once. It seems like everyone I meet becomes an asshole, and they're rude and just apathetic toward how they treat others. It leaves me remembering that I'm a compassionate person. I'm not the cold hearted person I tried to be, or wanted to be.

When I was younger, I used to not let it get me down. I was determined to stay above all the hatred, and I guess I'm trying to get above it again and just try to be a good person. I just wish I had someone to help me for once. I'm done trying to do everything alone. Or at least I'd like to be.

I guess if you're reading this, don't be a stranger.

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