Friday, August 8, 2014

    So I really wanted to talk about the day I had today. It was not amazing exactly, but what came out of it I think I the good part. Today I wasn't feeling all that well but I pushed through it, because we had two trucks and I didn't want to bitch out. It wasn't too bad, though. The boss kept on lighter duties, and I'd go take a five minute break after pushing myself too hard sometimes. But really, it wasn't so bad or even that long especially for a 12-8 day.

    When I got home, I washed up a bit, put on some smooth jazz, and started cooking. The thing is is that I've been cooking a lot more lately. I've really gotten into it, and I've also been trying to eat a little healthier. I try to not drink as much sweet tea and limit mysel to two glasses a day and then switch to water. I've also been working on portion control. A few years ago, I used to love pizza rolls and I would about demolish two bags in one night. But I haven't had them in a couple of years, and one night after work, I just wanted something quick and easy so I thought pizza rolls. I got one bag and couldn't even finish it all. So I'm proud of myself for that. It feels good.

    But anyway, I made some fried rice and teriyaki chicken, and threw it all in a bowl. I discovered that Kroger sells the orange hibachi sauce which is wonderful, and I poured some on there. I had some left over angel cake and whipped cream, so I got some for dessert. I took it all to my room, and watch an episode of LOST on Netflix.

    I've stopped eating pasta a lot more, and gave it up for rice. I've been making salads a lot, too, and making really awesome toasted sandwiches. I bought shrimp a couple of times, and added some buttery garlic and threw it in with my salad; amazing. When I do make pasta, I've learned how to make home made Alfredo sauce and god, I can never go back to Alfredo in a jar.

    The point I'm trying to make is that today was the type of day I had been aspiring for for a very long time. Work was tough, yet not really. It was quiet at least, and I had my headphones on. I came home, listened to jazz and cooked a very satisfying dinner. Watched tv and then put the jazz back on while I did the dishes. It was just all so nice. And to top it all off, it's thundering as I write this. I love the rain.

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