Thursday, February 21, 2013

I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm not depressed or anything, nor am I full of hate or anger. I know those feelings, and I know how to deal with them. But I don't know what's going on with me lately.

I'm bored all the time. I've been reaching out to people I don't talk to much or haven't talked to in a long time, and getting them to hang out. I'm always looking for something interesting to do at work. I'm just trying to stay busy I think, and keep my mind occupied. I mean those are normal, but then I reopened my Facebook? What am I doing?

I'm so bored, and I just want to do anything.

Shoe was dating this girl a bit last year, but they decided to be friends. I think maybe he noticed I was really down last week, and now he's introduced her to me or something. He knew I had a slight crush on her. It was mostly a joke, but I mean...she is kind of cool honestly. I was talking to her on Facebook, but I don't know what I'm doing. I'm so stupid and weird when I talk to people.

I don't know. Maybe it's just a weird phase and it'll end shortly. I'm not sure if I want it to. I don't know if I really have anything against this. It kind of hurts, but a lot less than most things and it really only hurts when I start to sit idle. That's why I'm trying to stay busy.

Clearly, I'm trying to protect myself from having to deal with something painful. Not sure what it is really. I dated this girl for a couple weeks. We were starting to get serious, and then she broke it off on Valentines Day. Honestly, I couldn't care less that it was that day, especially since it's so clitche, but you know. It's like I try to do something with myself finally, and as soon as I do, I get fucked.

It didn't really affect me, though. I was bummed for a little bit, but really, I'm over it. So I don't know why my minds trying to stay busy. Maybe everything in general has finally just caught up with me, and if I stop to think about it, I'll snap. I really do kind of feel like I could snap.

Anyways. My Facebook is back up. I seriously get a bad taste in my mouth from looking at it. I deleted almost everything, though. All the messages with Alex and Emily. All of my pictures, and most of the people on my friends list. I guess I could start again with it, but I mean, I don't even know anyone. I got a handful of friends and none of them use it.

Whatever, though. I'll get over it.

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