Monday, January 16, 2012

I went on a date tonight. We saw Beauty and the Beast. I'll be honest with myself. I wished that I was seeing it with Alex.

It doesn't help that it was a shitty date anyways. When I got there, she was talking to someone so I had to awkwardly wait on her. And then she turned around to tell me what she was talking about with her friend. So I never really did get to say hey or anything.

When we go inside, she starts talking to the guy who took our tickets while I waited another awkward ten minutes. And then she hugged him. Hugging is fine, but I wouldn't hug another girl in front of a date. That's just me I guess.

After the movie, she had to rush home because her mom cut her hand while cooking. We were going to go to Starbucks and hang out.

So, yeah. I didn't know if I'd care for her anyways, but then being with her in person confirmed it. She's outgoing and talkative which are all shitty qualities. I may go out with her again, and maybe that'll go better. But otherwise, $20 for two tickets down the drain.

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